Orange Peel Relationship Test Viral on TikTok Full Details

What is the viral orange peel idea, and why do people use it to test their partners?

The viral 'orange peel hypothesis' developed on TikTok, where users ask their partners to peel an orange for them.

Can peeling an orange indicate whether or not your partner loves you? Well, this viral trend, which started on TikTok and has since spread to other social media platforms, suggests so. The whole concept focuses around people requesting their spouses to peel an orange for them, which is a basic chore they can complete on their own. According to the trend, a person's willingness to do the activity demonstrates their devotion to their partnership.

Here's a film featuring a montage of clips in which people test the 'Orange peel theory' on their relationships.

"The orange peel theory focuses on the idea that small acts of service are not just about the action itself but about what it represents in the relationship," said Kate Truitt, a board-certified psychologist and applied neuroscience.

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